Extract phone numbers for all countries with Bulk Phone Extractor app for iOS for FREE!

Bulk Phone Extractor app is a free app to help you extract phone numbers from website.

All you need to do is inputting the URL of the website you want to extract phone numbers to Bulk Phone Extractor app and click Start to extract the targeted phone number leads for your business.

The founded phone numbers will be saved automatically to CSV or Text file while app extracting another links/phones. So, no worries if OS kill the app or lost internet connection, you won't lose and phone leads.

Below are some impressive features of Bulk Phone Extractor app:

- Support setting link deep to get a lot phone number leads for you.
- Support auto resume if lost internet connection or OS kill the app...
- Any phone number Bulk Phone Extractor app found will be saved automatically to CSV or Text file while app is still collecting another phones.
- Support blacklist URL to prevent app checking those url (if you don't want Bulk Phone Extractor app collect phone numbers from any website, just input the website domain/URL to blacklist to skip extracting).

Download on the App Store

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